Tuesday, October 16, 2007


When we first found out that Morrissey would be playing at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, UT (approximately 30 miles south of Salt Lake City) we knew this would be a rare opportunity to see a musical icon. To date, we had never been to a Morrissey show (beside the Zephyr show in '02—which was probably the best Morrissey show we've attended) in a venue that held less than a few thousand people.

Thankfully, we weren't disappointed. Morrissey was in rare form.

We were concerned that with a smaller crowd and not selling out the venue, we could be in for a short set. We've had the short sets at Morrissey shows before. The Poly Pavilion show in '91 was a nightmare at less than 25 minutes (but that crowd was insane!). Anticipation for a longer set was high as had been the case in the Los Angeles dates over the 8 days in Los Angeles. However, after the opening act (which was much better than expected) we started having doubts about the length of the show as the crowd SUCKED!

To start, although we had front row seats, we decided to sit back a few rows because several individuals had conveniently "opened up shop" in front of our seats. Additionally, during the intermission video where there was no sound, the place was completely silent. We mean—like uncomfortably, why are these people even here—silent. While valiant attempts were made to get the crowd to at least talk, most people there just quietly waited for the show to start.

This would have been THE night for live recordings (if you have one, drop us a line).

When the curtain dropped most people moved to better positions and waited for Morrissey and the band to take the stage. Surprisingly, the crowd picked up during the show and thankfully, Morrissey and company played a full set.

Most of the songs nearly matched the first night's set played at the Palladium including the same encore. With four other songs played on different nights in Los Angeles, the Utah set was as follows (as written on the printed set list):

stp me if ?
s i'm a p
why don't you f ?
i like you
crashing b's
all you need is
billy b
disco dancer
lemme kiss
one day goodbye
killed me
hsin ?

Unlike most of the shows that we've seen, Morrissey was VERY conversational. Not only did he talk between every song, but he also turned the mic over to people several times during the night for statements and comments. He briefly spoke with an 8-year-old boy who was up front (did we mention that this audience was very well behaved?) and at one point gave Morrissey a shirt?!?

Another fan apparently had a "It's my birthday today" t-shirt on. Morrissey asked,"How old are you today?" (inaudible answer) "26? That's a serious age. It's all down hill from here."

Morrissey made comments about Rolling Stone magazine, the end of Tony Blair's time as Prime Minister and (of course) the end of George Bush's term next year—stating, "Next year the monster (or possibly munchkin) will be gone. And believe me, if you travel, believe me, the whole world—not just utah—the whole world will be relieved."

Our favorite quote from the night however was between Jack the Ripper and Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself when he said, "I've been banned in 12 states . . . for cruelty to humans." Oh, Morrissey.

Of course there were audience members young and younger that made the pilgrimage to the stage that-oh, so-many before them have attempted. A few were successful with little or no "wackyness". And, there were those that got a little dose of reality from the lurching security squad as well.

Overall, the show was great. While at times it felt a little like watching Morrissey play a show in a high school gym, the quality of the band was light years beyond any band that would be playing in a high school gym.

Whether this may or may not be his last tour for awhile (or for good) make every attempt to see one of the remaining dates. Not only will you see a true master at work, you'll be witness to a musical legend that will not be soon forgotten.

Click here for pictures of the event.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: a high held "cheers" go out to the trio from the SF Valley! They made the trip up, watched the show, and turned right around to drive the 9 1/2 hours back to be at work in the morning. Only Morrissey fans are this devout.


Anonymous said...

i have a recording, but since you were part of the audience that SUCKED you'll never get a copy. next time, try not being such a sucky audience member.

pags said...

For the record to start....
The crowd was very AWESOME, people who always start off comments with "the crowd sucked" are douche bags. Second of all the video you are referring to in the intermission wasn't supposed to have sound because it was James Dean's wardrobe test. AND the crowd was shouting MORRISSEY! MORRISSEY !during the intermission, I know this because I couldn't even talk to my husband it was so loud!
Third of all you have obviously never been to a Moz concert if it was a shocker that people were taking your seats right up front. I was the one with the sign (not a t-shirt) that said "Moz it's my birthday can I have your shirt?" And yes he did ask me how old I was and everyone else heard me say 26, I know because I have friends that were in the VERY back that heard me, so maybe you are a little slow. And yes I did get the shirt, he threw it right at my face. ALso I made it up on stage, and was so in shock that I really couldn't do anything (sorry for the disappointment). I have been to numerous Morrissey shows, and have friends that have been to even more and they ALL said this was the best show they have seen! So to say that the crowd sucked is a cop out and not a true review of this concert. I have recordings also but I don't think you deserve them.

InTheMarr said...

Look "pags." You don't have to roast the reviewer for his observation.

No one gave a shit about your birthday at the show. Not even Morrissey. And congrats on the stage jump. So daring. How could you.

The crowd was lackluster at best, not even freaking out before he took the stage. Half the fans were probably trying to figure out what his opening number was.

Let's remember sweetie that you were only 6 when The Smiths broke up and 7 when Viva Hate came out. BTW, Viva Hate was Morrissey's first record. But you would have picked up somewhere around the Maladjusted album in 97. Lot of catch up to do.

Some us out there have seen Moz many times and have another 15 years of concert-going experience than your youthful 26 year old self.

Enjoy the Shirt-that-Morrissey-threw-right-at-my-face-and-made-me-wet-my-pants-I -was-so-excited-because-I'm-just-a-poser-and-there-were-other-"fans"-who-really-know-Morrissey's-music-better-than-me-and-I-just-can't-believe-it.

Douche bag.

Anonymous said...

Hey friends, I am the mom of the 8 year old that threw his shirt up on stage and Moz asked if he could keep it. He put it on the bass drum for the remainder of the show. I really would like a recording of the concert. I thought it rocked, it was amazing, and I thought the people there were great. This is why I chose to take my son to this venue, all the way from WA state. My son loves Morrissey's music, and I have listened to him since my teens, way back in the mid eighties. The long trip was well worth it for me, and my son got to shake the man's hand twice. The band was awesome to him as well. I was very greatful for the experience. He has always wanted to go see Morrissey with me, but I have been to too many shows where the venue overserved so many drunk ass people, I didn't want to take him, plus, the only place for a Morrissey show is on the floor... When I saw Salt Lake, I decided to rent a car (not putting that many miles on mine, it was 1900 round trip) and take him. On the day of the concert, we spent the afternoon ironing on printouts made from home on tee shirts in our hotel. His said on the front "any fool can think of words that rhyme" and had moz pic on the back. Everyone around us loved it. Mine got scorched... I guess I won't quit my day job and be a laundress. If anyone has a recording please let me know, I would love to get a hold of it. The Loop rocked the house. Look me up on myspace. Thanks~ rose, aka
iwishiwasjulia ~yep, that is myspace name!

eddielxix said...

I wish I could have made the trip to Utah for this show. I have been a fan since BGLC first introduced me to The Smiths circa 1985, but still haven't made a show. I am going to get a Mrs. Butterworth Jar and start dropping change into it for the next tour. I will also bring enough cash to treat the BGLC to another Brazilian Feast.