Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Bravery/Switches

Finally had the opportunity to see The Bravery tonight with members of "Team Sea Wolf 2.0" and friends.

Show was opened by English up-and-comers, Switches.

For a band that is over a month away from their first proper release—these guys played a solid set with plenty of confidence and charisma to boot.

The best part of Switches was their manner in which they played. It was clean but raw—and you could tell that they were having a good time playing for the crowd.

Based on their set and the current 3-track single being marketed at the show (featuring the A-side: "Drama Queen"), good things are definitely in the cards for Switches.

Get over to their MySpace page for a taste of what you'll be listening to this Spring.

As for The Bravery—I got exactly what I expected: skillful musicianship, just over an hour of music and a lot of cockiness.

Don't get me wrong, I really like their catalog to date (and their set tonight was really good). However, there is this sense of entitlement that they exude and it really is slightly unbecoming.

The good part is they live up to their own hype.

If you have the chance, make a point to see them. You won't be disappointed.

Pictures on Flickr

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